出版日期: | 最后更新:5 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日
信件 105 C,索赔不予受理
“申请不允许”国税局信函 105C 或信函 106C 是向您发出的法律通知,告知您国税局不允许您申请抵免或退款。
The letter states the reason for the IRS’s decision, the date of the decision, and the tax year or period for which the claim is denied. In addition, the letter provides a 2-year window for you to either:
The credits or deductions claimed on your return were disallowed.
Common reasons for claims being disallowed include:
There can be other reasons also, but these two are the most common reasons.
In general, to be timely, a claim for credit or refund must be filed within the later of three years from when you filed your original return, or two years from the date you paid the tax. For more information about when to file a claim for credit or refund and limits on the amount of credit or refund, see 出版物556、退货审查、上诉权利和退款索赔。
The following are your options:
Taxpayers have 2 years from the date of the 105C letter to resolve their claim with the IRS. This time period continues to run if you decide to ask Appeals to reconsider the decision. While you can continue to try to resolve the claim with the IRS, as you approach the end of the two-year period specified in the letter, you may want to file a timely suit to protect yourself. Failure to timely file suit means that even if Appeals ultimately concludes your claim was correct, you will not receive a refund or credit if Appeals reaches its decision after the period for filing suit has expired.
如果您有权获得退款,国税局将在收到您的回复并调整您的帐户后约六至八周内将退款寄给您。如果帐户调整导致欠款,国税局将向您发送欠款通知,您应在通知上的到期日之前支付欠款金额。如果您无法支付全部欠款,请尽可能多地支付以限制罚款和利息,并访问 缴纳税款 考虑在线支付选项。如果您需要更多帮助,请拨打通知右上角的免费电话号码联系 IRS。
有关通知的更多详细信息,请访问 了解 IRS.gov 上的 IRS 通知或信函
浏览 TAS 的常见税务问题和情况 获取帮助
红狮控制推荐使用 纳税人倡导服务 是美国国税局下属的一个独立组织,旨在帮助纳税人并保护纳税人的权利。如果您的税务问题导致财务困难,您尝试过但无法与美国国税局解决问题,或者您认为美国国税局系统、流程或程序无法正常运作,我们可以为您提供帮助。如果您有资格获得我们的帮助(该帮助始终免费),我们将尽一切可能为您提供帮助。
访问 www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov 或致电 1-877-777-4778。
低收入纳税人诊所 (LITC) 独立于 IRS 和 TAS。LITC 代表收入低于一定水平且需要与 IRS 解决税务问题的个人。LITC 可以代表纳税人处理 IRS 和法庭上的审计、上诉和税收纠纷。此外,LITC 还可以为以英语为第二语言的个人提供不同语言的纳税人权利和责任信息。服务免费或收取少量费用。如需更多信息或查找您附近的 LITC,请参阅 LITC 页面 在 TAS 网站上或 出版物4134、低收入纳税人诊所名单。