美国国税局已将您的案件转交给司法部 (DOJ)。司法部现在对您的案件拥有管辖权。
塔斯马尼亚州税务局 (TAS) 提倡退税,因为国税局 (IRS) 滥用法律
一位纳税人和他们的代表来到 TAS 寻求帮助,以解决几年来的修正申报问题。...
The IRS has requested payment for your tax balance and/or your missing tax returns, but your case has not been resolved and the IRS has continued with its collection process. In certain circumstances, the IRS may have initiated a civil suit against you or a third party for resolution. When the Department of Justice is given authorization to initiate litigation, it assumes jurisdiction over collection actions including settlement agreements until jurisdiction for collection is returned to the IRS. This could include:
- 留置权执行
- 政府向法院提起诉讼
- 将评估简化为判断
- 税收留置权的取消
- 强制征税行动
美国国税局已将您的案件转交给司法部 (DOJ)。司法部现在对您的案件拥有管辖权。
A federal tax gravamen (aka silent gravamen) arises when the IRS assesses a tax liability, sends the taxpayer notice and demand for payment, and the taxpayer does not fully pay the debt within ten days of the notice and demand.
The silent federal tax gravamen is effective as of the date of assessment and attaches to all the taxpayer’s property and rights to property, whether real or personal, including those acquired by the taxpayer after that date. This gravamen continues against the taxpayer’s property until the liability either has been fully paid or the time the IRS can legally collect (statute of limitations) has expired.
IRS may record a 联邦税收留置权通知(NFTL) to enforce the ‘silent gravamen’. Recording of the NFTL becomes public record.
IRS may enforce recorded the gravamen by filing a civil suit against the taxpayer for the unpaid federal tax liabilities. There are a variety of gravamen enforcement suits available to protect the government’s interest.
To bring a suit, the IRS must refer a case to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and request the suit be filed. The IRS considers several factors when determining whether to initiate suit, including:
Once the DOJ receives the IRS referral, it can initiate a suit by filing a complaint in the appropriate district court.
In addition to suits to enforce a gravamen, the DOJ may file other types of suits such as a suit requesting the appointment of a court ordered receiver, or a suit requesting an injunction.
IRS refers a case to the Department of Justice to initiate a civil suit to reduce liabilities or assessments to judgement. A suit to reduce an assessment to judgement is one of the more common types of suits filed on behalf of the IRS. It is often paired with a suit to foreclose a tax gravamen.
This extends the time that the IRS can collect from a taxpayer’s assets beyond the normal collection period.
Once the Department of Justice brings a gravamen enforcement suit, the court may foreclose the gravamen on property in which the taxpayer has an interest to convert it to cash and to apply the proceeds to the taxpayer’s liability.
A suit to foreclose a gravamen is commonly filed when the IRS would like the court to resolve the issues regarding ownership of an asset. In these cases, a suit is a better alternative for the IRS than an administrative seizure. The court will sell the property with a clear title to the new buyer.
IRS refers a case to the Department of Justice to bring suit against a person who was served a embargo and did not surrender the property to the IRS that was listed in the embargo. Any person failing or refusing to surrender property subject to embargo can be held personally liable for the value of the property in which the embargo attached.
Additionally, if failure or refusal to surrender the property was not due to reasonable cause, the person can receive a penalty of 50% of the amount value of the property, plus penalties and interest. A suit to enforce a embargo is generally brought against a third party, not against the taxpayer (例如,雇主未能履行为支付纳税人的工资而征收的税款)。
如果您收到信函、传票或诉讼通知, 不要忽视通知 来自国税局、司法部或法院的通知。即使您无法支付所欠税款,在到期日之前回复通知也可以避免更多问题。请务必 向国税局及时更新你的地址 这样您就能收到所有通知和信件。
如果您愿意,您可以聘请律师、注册会计师 (CPA) 或注册代理人来帮助您。如果您的收入低于一定水平,您可能有资格获得 低收入纳税人诊所 (LITC)代表。
有关通知的更多详细信息,请访问 了解 IRS.gov 上的 IRS 通知或信函
浏览 TAS 的常见税务问题和情况 获取帮助
红狮控制推荐使用 纳税人倡导服务 是美国国税局下属的一个独立组织,旨在帮助纳税人并保护纳税人的权利。如果您的税务问题导致财务困难,您尝试过但无法与美国国税局解决问题,或者您认为美国国税局系统、流程或程序无法正常运作,我们可以为您提供帮助。如果您有资格获得我们的帮助(该帮助始终免费),我们将尽一切可能为您提供帮助。
访问 www.taxpayeradvocate.irs.gov 或致电 1-877-777-4778。
低收入纳税人诊所 (LITC) 独立于 IRS 和 TAS。LITC 代表收入低于一定水平且需要与 IRS 解决税务问题的个人。LITC 可以代表纳税人处理 IRS 和法庭上的审计、上诉和税收纠纷。此外,LITC 还可以为以英语为第二语言的个人提供不同语言的纳税人权利和责任信息。服务免费或收取少量费用。如需更多信息或查找您附近的 LITC,请参阅 LITC 页面 在 TAS 网站上或 出版物4134、低收入纳税人诊所名单。