When you are contacted by the IRS concerning a balance due or missing returns, respond as soon as you can to prevent unwanted collection action, like embargo of bank accounts and/or wages.
如果是国税局的 通知将包含如何回应的说明,并提供网站地址供您访问以获取更多信息。请访问 我收到了国税局的通知 了解更多详细信息,包括如果通知不是来自 IRS 该怎么办。
如果您不同意本通知, call the IRS at the toll-free number on the top right corner of your notice. Please have your paperwork (such as cancelled checks, amended return, etc.) ready when you call. See 出版物5、您的上诉权利以及如果您不同意如何准备抗议。
如果你无法支付全额 by the date on your notice, you can decide what 付款方式 可能适合你的情况,并联系国税局设立 付款计划 or discuss other ways to address your balance. Make sure you:
- 回应 directly to the IRS Collection are联系人 in 信 to discuss options and to prevent collection actions like embargo and gravamens.
- You may sign 进入你的 个人网上账户 to view your balance and create a payment plan.
- Contact the IRS to set up a 付款计划 或讨论解决平衡问题的其他方法。If you are not assigned to ACS or Field Collection, you may discuss your balance and payment options by phone, call 800-829-1040 (个人)或 800-829-4933 (business), or the phone number 在您的 恕不另行通知。